Digital Signal Processing |
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The comparative analysis of two methods combining signals in multichannel systems Abstract In many radio systems are widely used multi-channel processing. In particular, when constructing a radar moving target detectors to improve their efficiency widely used the multichannel Doppler filters and notch multichannel filters. Thus, if in multi-channel Doppler filters the target signal can appear in one of the Doppler channels, in the multichannel notch filters the target may be in all the channels, since the velocity transparency zone of channels coincide. In this context, in multi-channel Doppler filter usually used the maximum selection in combining of channels. In the multi-notch filters it is preferable to implement minimum selection in combining of channels. It is interesting to compare the characteristics of these two methods of channels combining in relation to a multi-channel processing. Without loss of generality in solving the problem of comparing the effectiveness of two methods of channels combining the investigation was performed when type and efficiency of Doppler or multi notch filters in this study have been not considered. The attention was focused on different types of signal processing such as post detector integration, CFAR problem. It was assumed that at the input of minimum or maximum selection circuits in each channel was used in the quadrature square law detectors. And in each quadrature Gaussian noise acted with zero mean and unit variance. Noises in the channels were independent. Useful signals in all channels have the same random fluctuating amplitude and were also independent. It was shown, using analytical approach and MATLAB model verification of probability characteristics, that in the simple case the maximum detection method preferable. Using non coherent integration in each channel make both maximum and minimum methods equivalent. If after non coherent integration was used the adaptive constant false alarm rate device the minimum detection method become more affective for low detection probabilities. 2. Ryndyk, A.G. Ryabkov A.P. Multichannel notch filter with a minimum selection // News of Russian universities. Electronics. 2012. Vol. 4, p. 81-85
. The research of the adaptive notch filter cross-links’ impact on probing signals with intra-modulation Keywords: : adaptive filter, spectral analysis, super resolution, the Steiglitz-McBride algorithm, chirp-signal, correlated interference, cross-links, notch filter, MTI system, pulse-compression filter, Doppler filter, filter weights generation. References 2. Gordeev A.Yu., Bartenev V.G. Sposob adaptivnoj filtracii diskretnyx pomex. Zayavka na patent ¹ 201314267208 ot 19.09.13. Publikaciya FIPS v Byul. ¹9 ot 27.03.15. 3. Bartenev V.G. Adaptivnyj reshetchatyj filtr dlya podavleniya diskretnyx korrelirovannyx pomex. Doklad na 10-j Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii «Cifrovaya obrabotka signalov i ee primenenie» DSPA-2008. Moskva, 26-28 marta, 2008,S.164-168. 4. Bartenev V.G., Gordeev A.Yu. Primenenie metodov Proni i Shtejglica-MakBrajda dlya formirovaniya vesovyx koefficientov pri adaptivnoj filtracii neklassificirovannyx vyborok nablyudeniya. Trudy 14-oj Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii «Cifrovaya obrabotka signalov i ee primenenie» DSPA-2012. Moskva, 2012, S. 257-260. 5. Bartenev V.G., Gordeev A.Yu. Novyj sposob formirovaniya vesovyx koefficientov pri adaptivnoj filtracii neklassificirovannyx vyborok nablyudenij // Cifrovaya obrabotka signalov. 2012, ¹2,S. 65-67. 6. Bartenev V.G., Gordeev A.Yu. Sravnitelnyj analiz effektivnosti adaptivnoj filtracii po metodu Proni i Shtejglica-MakBrajda. // Sbornik trudov 61 NTK MIREA. 2012. Ch. 3. S. 55-60. 7. Bartenev V.G., Gordeev A.Yu. Novyj sposob razrabotki dvuxchastotnogo klassifikatora diskretnyx korrelirovannyx pomex. // Sbornik dokladov Vserossijskoj konferencii RSPOVI 2013. Smolensk, 2013, S. 196-199. 8. Gordeev A.Yu. Sravnitelnyj analiz effektivnosti razlichnyx metodov spektralnogo analiza sverxvysokogo razresheniya dlya filtracii neklassificirovannyx vyborok nablyudeniya. // Materialy 69-j Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii «Radioelektronnye ustrojstva i sistemy dlya infokommunikacionnyx texnologij» REDS-2014. Moskva, 2014. S. 37-41. 9. Gordeev A.Yu., Yacyshen V.V. Perspektivnye metody povysheniya effektivnosti podavleniya passivnyx pomex sistemami selekcii dvizhushhixsya celej // Elektromagnitnye volny i elektronnye sistemy. 2015, T.20, ¹3. S. 40-52. 10. Marple S. L. Digital Spectral Analysis with Applications: 1990. – 584 p. 11.Sergienko A. B. Digital Signal Processing. SPb.: BXV-Peterburg, 2011. – 768 p. 12. Burg I. P. Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis. Proc. 37th Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists. Oklahoma City, Okla., Îctober 1967. 13. Parks, Thomas W., and C. Sidney Burrus. Digital Filter Design. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987, pp 226–228. 14. Steiglitz, K., and L. E. McBride. "A Technique for the Identification of Linear Systems." IEEE® Transactions on Automatic Control. Vol. AC-10, 1965, pp. 461–464. 15. Ljung, Lennart. System Identification: Theory for the User. 2nd Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1999, p. 354.
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Abstract Recently the interest to empirical modes decomposition has been growing. The authors apply such decomposition as a signal preliminary processing, which allows increasing the signal/interference ratio, simplifying the algorithm of parametrical analysis due to transformation of a complex task of evaluation of the parameters of p model order into simple tasks of evaluation of components of first and second order, significantly reducing the period of analysis. The method proposed is based on suppression of high-frequency components at integration and on their accentuation at differentiation: - to extract the modes in ascending order of their frequencies multiple integration of signal is executed in order to suppress high-frequency components, till the termination of altering of number of extrema, i.e. only one (of the lowest frequency) component remains; the modes are extracted from integrated sequences by differentiation, subtraction of extracted component from integrated sequences of lower order, repetition of the same actions with an already withdrawn low-frequency component with the sequences integrated, starting with the previous one; the components extracted from the integrated sequences are to be differentiated in accordance with Lanczos scheme as many times as the sequence has been integrated; - to extract the modes in the descending order of their frequencies multiple differentiation is executed to accentuate high-frequency components, till the sequence with alternating extrema is extracted; the modes are extracted from differentiated sequences by integration, subtraction of the extracted component from differentiated sequences of lower-order, repetition of the same actions with an already withdrawn high-frequency component with differentiated sequences, starting with the previous one; the components extracted from the differentiated sequences are to be integrated with application of weighting as many times as the sequence has been differentiated. References 2. Myasnikova, N. V. , Time-frequency distributions on the basis of extreme filtering/ N. V. Myasnikova, M.P. Beresten // Sensors and systems. – 2013. – ¹ 10. – page 9–12. 3. Myasnikova N.V. Empirical modes decomposition on the basis of extreme filtration // Myasnikova N.V., Beresten Ì.P. Digital signal processing. 2014. ¹ 4. Pages 13-17. 4. Marple, S.L., Jr., Digital Spectral Analysis with Applications, 584 p., Mir, Moscow, 1990. 5. Myasnikova, N.V. The algorithm of extraction of low-frequency modes / N.V. Myasnikova, Ì.P. Beresten // The 17th International conference ‘Digital signals processing and its application». Moscow. March 25–27, 2015. The works of the Russian scientific and technical society of radio engineering, electronics and communication named after A.S.Popov. Digital signals processing and its application. Series. – Moscow.: Russian scientific and technical society of radio engineering, electronics and communication named after A.S.Popov, 2015. – Pages. 78-82. 6. Myasnikova, N.V. Empirical modes decomposition on the basis of differentiation and integration / N.V. Myasnikova, Ì.P. Beresten / Collected articles: Perspective information technologies (PIT 2015) The works of International scientific and technical conference. Samara State Aerospace University. Samara, 2015. – Pages 101-105. 7. Myasnikova, N.V. The combined method of Empirical modes decomposition on the basis of differentiation and integration / N. V. Myasnikova, M.P. Beresten, A.A. Primak // Modern society, science and education: collection of scientific papers on the materials of the International scientific - practical conference in 16 parts . 31 March 2015. Part 8 Publisher: OOO "Consulting company Ucom " ( Tambov ) p. 76–77.
Abstract Optimize energy criterion of coherent signal detection system is based on the extreme properties of the characteristic (own) matrices of numbers, and probabilistic criteria - on numerical methods of nonlinear programming. A two-stage procedure to optimize systems for detection of coherent signals based on the RF-MF combination. In the first stage on the energy or the probability criterion is optimized RF. The second step is optimized MF. In the case of a different weighting in the channels used analytical procedure optimization energy criterion of maximum ratio Rayleigh, which is an approximate version of optimization on probabilistic criterion, and in the case of the same weighting in the channels of the methods of nonlinear programming is the numerical solution of probabilistic criterion. Analysis of processing systems may also be carried out on the energy and probabilistic criterion. For a small dynamic range for clutter detection systems fixed coherent structure signals a preference should be given to the method of optimization on probabilistic criterion. By increasing the dynamic range of a convergence of parameters and efficiency of systems in comparable cases, that in view of the facilities of the analytical solutions of the optimization problem, as well as more opportunities for implementation of adaptive algorithms indicates the usefulness of the method of optimization on energy criterion. References 2. Radar Handbook / Ed. by M. I. Skolnik. - 3rd ed. - McGraw–Hill, 2008. - 1352 p. 3. Popov, D.I. Optimalnaya obrabotka mnogochastotnjch signalov // Izvestiya vuzov Russia. Radioelektronika. - 2013. - Vjup. 1. - S. 32-39. 4. Popov, D.I. Optimizaciys system kogerentno-vesovoi obrabotki mnogochastotnjch signalov // Cifrovaya obrabotka signalov. – 2013. - ¹ 4. - S. 17-21. 5. Popov, D.I. Adaptaciya nerekuesivnjch reghectornjch filtrov // Izvestiya vuzov. Radioelektronika. - 2009. - T. 52. ¹ 4. - S. 46-55. 6. Popov, D.I. Sintez adapnjch reghectornjch filtrov visokich porjadkov // Izvestiya vuzov. Radioelektronika. - 1999. - T. 42. ¹ 6. - S. 46-51. 7. A. s. 934816 SSSR, MPK6 G 01 S 7/36, G 01 S 13/52. Reghectornij filtr / D.I. Popov; zayavl. 30.10.1980; opubl. 27.11.1998, Byul. ¹ 33. - 20 s. 8. Popov, D.I. Ocenivanie parametrov passivnych pomeh // Izvestiya vuzov. Radioelektronika. - 2003. - T. 46. ¹ 3. - S. 71-80. 9. Popov, D.I. Avtokompensaciya doplerovskoi fazy passivnyh pomeh // Cifrovaya obrabotka signalov. – 2009. - ¹ 2. - S. 30-33. 10. A. s. 875960 SSSR, MPK6 G 01 S 7/36, G 01 S 13/52. Ustroistvo dlya podavleniya passivnyh pomeh / D.I. Popov; zayavl. 07.01.1980; opubl. 27.11.1998, Byul. ¹ 33. - 11 s. 11. A. s. 1015757 SSSR, MPK6 G 01 S 7/36. Ustroistvo podavleniya passivnyh pomeh / D.I. Popov; zayavl. 05.12.1977; opubl. 27.11.1998, Byul. ¹ 33.-12 s. 12. A. s. 1098399 SSSR, MPK6 G 01 S 7/36. Ustroistvo adaptivnoi rezhekcii passivnyh pomeh / D.I. Popov; zayavl. 12.06.1981; opubl. 20.12.1998, Byul. ¹ 35. - 16 s. 13. Popov, D.I. Adaptivnoe podavlenie passivnyh pomeh // Cifrovaya obrabotka signalov. – 2014. - ¹ 4. - S. 32-37. 14. Popov, D.I. Adaptivnye porogovye ustroistva // Izvestiya vuzov. Radioelektronika. - 2006. - T. 49. ¹ 3. - S. 30-35.
Abstract In this paper we analyze the structure of a radio signal with OFDM modulation and conduct a study (research) to reduce the Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) by the use of some of the carrier frequencies (Tone reservation), by extending some modulation constellation points toward the outside and around of the constellation (fixed and adaptive - Active Constellation Extension and Adaptive Active Constellation Extension). As a result of joint research and such methods of processing, PAPR of OFDM signals is reduced significantly (about 5 dB) and the efficiency of using output amplifiers of the transmitting means is improved. 2. Korzhihin E.O, Vlasyuk I.V, Methods for reducing the crest factor in the terrestrial digital television broadcast system standard DVB-T2 //T- Comm -Mobile communications systems and digital broadcasting. Release on the results of the 6th industry conference MTUCI "Information Society Technologies", Ì.: « Media Publisher » – 2012 . – ¹ 9–p.83-86. 3. ETSI EN 302 755 V1.3.1 (2012-04) Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Frame structure channel coding and modulation for a second generation digital terrestrial television broadcasting system (DVBBT2). 4. Tellado, J., Cioffi, J.M., PAR Reduction in Multicarrier Transmission Systems. 5. Dae-Woon Lim, Hyung-Suk Noh, Jong-Seon No, Near Optimal PRT Set Selection Algorithm for Tone Reservation in OFDM Systems // IEEE Transactions On Broadcasting, Vol. 54, No. 3, September 2008. 6. Grace R. Woo, Douglas L. Jones, Peak Power Reduction in MIMO OFDM via Active Channel Extension // IEEE 2636 - 2639 Vol. 4,16-20 May 2005 7. Madhuri P., Dr Malleswari B. L., Peak-To-Average Power Ratio Reduction by CB-ACE and Adaptive Ace Algorithms // ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2012. 8. G.Karthikeyan, Dr.G.Indumathi, S.Kannadhasan, PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems using Adaptive Active Constellation Extension Algorithm // ISSN 2320 – 9798, Vol. 1, Issue 4, June 2013.
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Abstract The problem is connected with a priori unknown apparatus function (AF) of the radiometer. Such function (AF) characterizes influence of the directional pattern of the antenna, path of preprocessing of the radiometer and external factors on the required image of objects. In actual practice operation of the radiometer the value of AF will differ from its value measured in laboratory conditions owing to blurring of the AF form that also reduces efficiency of the radiometer. The purpose of work is development of algorithms for estimation of the unknown AF in the conditions of aprioristic uncertainty. The objective is achieved by the solution of the following task: development of new algorithms of AF estimation allowing to increase the accuracy of AF estimates in real practice of supervision due to application of optimum methods of estimation on the basis of radio thermal image standard. The largest accuracy of estimation of AF was shown by modification of the algorithm based on a matrix method and answering to criterion of an optimality. At the same time application of this algorithm demands knowledge of the standard image that in actual practice it isn't always feasible. Another algorithm in which the initial description of AF is given on the basis of the antenna pattern which characteristic is usually known is represented to more realistic. However automation of selection of the AF parameters in the course of recovery of the image is compli-cated at the small relation a signal-noise and demands participation of the person operator. The offered algorithms can find application in the existing radiometric systems of microwave range, and also in the optical systems of the Infrared range intended for detection and recognition of objects according to their restored image. 2. Vasilenko G. I., Taratorin A.M. Recovery of images. M.: Radio and communication, 1986. 304 pp. 3. Klochko V. K. Recovery of object’s mages in the conditions of atmospheric distortions // the Bulletin of the Ryazan state radio engineering university, no. 33. 2010, pp. 24 – 28. 4. Klochko V. K., Kuznetsov V.P. Recovery of object’s images on the thinned-out matrix of observations // the Bulletin of the Ryazan state radio engineering university. 2016, no. 55, pp. 111 – 117. 5. Gonsalez R., Woods R., Eddins S. Digital image processing in the environment of MATLAB. M.: Technosphere, 2006. 616 pp. 6. Konewhov A.L., Kostevich A.G., Kuryachy M. I. Determination of function of dispersion of a point by characteristic fragments of images // Log "Reports of Tomsk State University of Management Systems and Radiotronics" No. 26, part 1, 2012, pp. 116 – 120. 7. Pirogov Yu.A., Timanovsky A.L. Superpermission in systems of passive radiovision of the millimetric range / Radio technician, 2006, no. 3, pp. 14 – 19. 8. Voskoboynikov Yu.E. Combined non-linear algorithm of recovery of contrasting images in case of inaccurately given hardware function // Avtometriya. 2007, no. 6, pp. 3 – 16. 9. Passive radiolocation: methods of object’s detection / Under the editorship of R.P. Bystrov and A.V. Sokolov. M.: Radio engineering. 2008. 320 pp.
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Abstract 7.
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