Digital Signal Processing |
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Randomization of receiving, processing and forming signals in radio channels of communications and location systems Abstract 2. Claude E. Shannon, Warren Weaver. The Mathematical Theory of Communication. Univ of Illinois Press, 1949. 3. Y.P. Borisov, P.I. Penin. Fundamentals multichannel information transmission M., Communication 1967. 435 p. 4. Monzingo R.A, Miller T.W. Adaptive antenna arrays. Introduction to the theory / / M: Radio and communication. 1986. - 448 p. 5. R. Klemm. Space-Time Detection Theory // The material in this publication wa assembled to support a lecture series under the sponsorship of the sensor and lectronics Technology Panel (SET) and the Consultant and Exchange Programmer of RTO presented on 23-24 september 2002 in Moscow, Russia. 6. Metropolis N., Ulam S. The Monte Carlo Metod // J. Amer. Statistical Assoc. 1949. V. 44, ¹247. pp. 335 – 341. 7. Granichin O.N., Polyak B.T. Randomized Algorithms of an Estimation and Optimization Under Almost Arbitrary Noises. - M.: Nauka, 2003. - 393 p. 8. Steven W. Smith The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing. – California Technical Publishing, San Diego, California - Second Edition, 1999 9. Richard G. Lyons, Understanding Digital Signal Processing, 2nd edition, — Pearson Education, Inc., 2006, - p.656. 10. David Middleton, Introduction to Statistical Communication Theory. – McGraw-Hill, New York, 1960. 1140 pp. 11. Gorbunov YU.N. Cifrovye stohasticheskie radary: prinyatie resheniy, stohasticheskoe obelenie pomekh, randomizaciya izmereniy parametrov, primenenie. // Trudy VIII MNTK «Kibernetika i vysokie tekhnologii XXI veka». – Voronezh: NPF «Sakvoee», 2007, t.I.-pp. 446-455. 12. Tomas. Neparametricheskie metody obnaruzheniya signalov. // TIIER. - 1970. - t. 58. - ¹5. – pp. 23 – 31. 13. Gorbunov YU.N. Stohasticheskie kriterii obnaruzheniya signalov. Izd. «Radiotekhnika», zhurnal «Nelineynyy mir», 2016, ¹6, pp.3 - 13. 14. Gorbunov YU.N. Stohasticheskoe vremennoe i prostranstvennoe kvantovanie v ploskih aperturah fazirovannyh antennyh reshetok. // Trudy X MNTK «Radiolokaciya, radionavigaciya i svyaz». – Voronezh: Izd. NPF «Sakvoee», 2005, t. III. - pp. 1790 - 1798. 15. Gorbunov YU.N. Stohasticheskaya interpolyaciya pelenga v adaptivnyh antennyh reshetkah s posledovatelnym diagrammo-obrazovaniem na baze usechennyh (maloelementnyh) apertur i robastnyh statistik signala na vhode // Izdatelstvo «Radiotekhnika», ZHurnal «Antenny», 2015, ¹6, pp. 18-26. 16. Gorbunov YU.N. Snizhenie radiolokacionnoy zametnosti ob"ektov metodami randomizacii parametrov signala i upravlyaemogo antennogo pokrytiya mnogofunkcional'nyh adaptivnyh RLS. Izd. «Radiotekhnika», zhurnal «Antenny», 2016, ¹11, pp. 42 - 50. 17. Gorbunov YU.N. Teorema o stohasticheskoy diskretizacii izobrazheniy v radiolokacii i svyazi. // Trudy 18-y Mezhdunarodnoy Konferencii «Cifrovaya obrabotka signalov i ee primenenie».- M.: RNTORES im. A.S. Popova, 2016, pp. 225-230. 18. Gorbunov YU.N. Randomizaciya usloviy priema i formirovaniya signalov v mnogokanal'nyh doplerovskih informacionnyh sistemah s amplitudnym ogranicheniem // Mezhdunarodnaya konferenciya «Radioelektronnye ustroystva i sistemy dlya infokommunikacionnyh tekhnologiy – REDS-2014». – M.: 2015. pp. 144 – 147. 19. Gorbunov YU.N. O vozmozhnosti umen'sheniya chisla urovney kvantovaniya v cifrovyh filtrah SDC putem primeneniya randomizirovannyh algoritmov. // Radiotekhnika. - 1983, ¹ 6. - pp. 45 – 47. Abstract The operation purpose – development of an algorithm for several objects images estimation in the sequence of review cycles of the scanning radiometric system taking into account timepoints of segments formation. The specific algorithm of the task decision for a finite number of steps – the review periods is offered. The algorithm allows to determine objects images parameters in time, including the parameters of objects movement paths taking into account timepoints of segments formation. Results of modeling the offered algorithm and modeling of its high-speed modification are shown in the computer environment. In case of modeling three moving objects with intersection of movement paths were found with probability, close to unit. Results of operation can find application in the existing scanning radiometric systems for
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Abstract PTS technique proves an effective approach in PAPR reduction performance without exhibiting signal distortion. The most important part of PTS schemes is the IFFT blocks. However, C-PTS schemes use the large number of IFFT blocks in parallel processing. Moreover, the hardware resource utilization increases exponentially with the number of IFFT blocks. These PTS schemes cannot be implemented on FPGA, if the input data block is partitioned into large number of subblocks. To reduce the computational complexity with similar PAPR reduction performance compared with C-PTS, we exploit the properties of the IFFT operation: cyclic shift of frequency-domain sequences and property of the frequency-domain down-sampling sequences. Due to these properties of the IFFT operation, M time-domain partial transmit sequences can be computed by using a single N/M-point IFFT block instead of performing M N-point IFFT blocks. 2. T. Jiang and Y. Wu. An Overview: Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction Techniques for OFDM Signals // IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 257–268, June 2008. 3. S. H. Muller and J. B. Huber. OFDM with reduced peak-to-average power ratio by optimum combination of partial transmit sequences // IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 36–69, Feb. 1997. 4. L.J. Cimini, N.R. Sollenberger. Peak-to-average power ratio reduction of an OFDM signal using partial transmit sequences // IEEE Commun. Letters, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 86–88, Mar. 2000. 5. C.-L. Wang, S.-S. Wang, H.-L. Chang. A low-complexity SLM based PAPR reduction scheme for SFBC MIMO-OFDM systems // Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conf. (WCNC), Quintana-roo, Mexico, pp. 1449–1453, Mar. 2011. 6. Pg109. Fast Fourier Transform v9.0 // Xilinx LogiCORE IP Product Guide, 97p, Nov. 2015. 7. Pg105, CORDIC v6.0 // Xilinx LogiCORE IP Product Guide, 65 p., Nov. 2016.
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